Christine Reed Artist Statement

Being creative has been encouraged my entire life. My mom, Pat, taught my sister Suzie and me to crochet, knit, embroider, cross-stitch, macrame and bake throughout our grade school years. My dad, David , would sing and play guitar at bedtime and often make up his own songs. My first movie in a theater was Godspell. I purchased the piano music and learned all of the songs and lyrics. With Dad on his guitar and me on my flute or a piano we provided music for the occasional wedding celebration or a funeral service. When we visited my grandparents in Maine, my Nana would tell us stories about the City Mouse and the Country Mouse while my Grandpa would tell much shorter stories about his fictional Ole Mother Mourey. Throughout the year we would make potholders and God’s Eyes to sell at the Brookings, SD Art in the Park while Dad and his guitar played the wandering minstrel. Summers would find Suzie and me helping Mom in the garden. Mom made many of our school clothes and we liked to choose the fabrics she’d use. Frequently we’d be called to taste test the neighbor kid’s latest food creation which was always dyed some crazy, unappealing color but usually tasted much better than it looked.

I didn’t get into drawing and painting much until I was a new mom at the age of 30. A friend, who was also a new mom, and I would take turns watching our babies and going to art classes. I learned how to get past creative blocks and to still my inner critic.

My photography interest came when I purchase an 1870 log home with palisade walls and moss chinking on 5 acres of land bordering Wood Lake outside Grantsburg, Wisconsin.

I created a website called Unfettered Java with the idea of using creative methods to facilitate communication. My log home in the woods was a perfect place to host some art retreats and art classes. I love breaking down those voices that have people believing they just can’t draw or aren’t creative. I see art and taking time to create as a gift to myself. I set no expectations. I just wait to see what spills out of me. What I don’t like today could catapult me to a different perspective next month. Some things just need to percolate a bit while others become part of a collage.

I love trying all different media from Japanese Etegami postcard art to colored pencils, pastels, gouache, photography, watercolors, acrylics, oil paintings, mono prints and collage.

My mom spent her summers on Bailey Island since the age of 6 and met my dad when they were both students at the university in Orono I’ve been coming to the Harpswell area summers my entire life with the goal of moving here when both of my kids were launched. Covid made that goal both easier and harder but I am so happy to be here! I have been painting almost daily for the last 3 years since moving to Orr’s Island. This area sparks the creative in me and I feel so blessed!

I was fortunate to grow up in a family and community that encouraged creativity in all aspects of life and I have built this space as a collaborative site to continue our growth and support for one another.

Cheers and Blessings! - Christine Reed

David Reed Artist Statement

I grew up in Orono Maine. My Dad was a birder who taught me to appreciate the natural wonders all around us. Wherever I go I try to find that which is interesting and beautiful. Dear wife, Pat, and I spend much of the summer at our “Camp” on Bailey Island, ME and spend the winters in Orono or Marco Island, Florida.

The equipment I use is largely Canon lenses with the Canon 5D or 5D Mark-II. Most of the telephotos use the Canon EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS lens. For landscapes, the Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8L lens is my current favorite. Macros are taken with the Canon EF 100mm f/2.8L Macro, Tamron 180mm Macro or Canon MP-E 65 mm 1-5x Macro with twin-flash.

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